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Public Notices



  • Variance from Regulations - 16 Vatcher Place

    16 Vatcher Place

    Notice is hereby given that the Town Council of Gander has received an application to construct
    a garage at the above noted address which will exceed the total permitted height for accessory
    buildings in a residential zone. The proposal is an accessory building with a total height of 6.05

    It is noted that this property is situated in a Residential Medium Density zone which restricts the maximum accessory building height to 5.50 metres. The Town Council of Gander may vary their regulations to a maximum of 10%.

    Anyone wishing to make representation on this matter must do so in writing and the representation must be received by the Engineering Department, Town of Gander, no later than 12:00 noon on Thursday, April 3, 2025.

    Further information on this matter may be obtained by contacting the Engineering Department
    at 651-5915.

    John Boland
    Planning & Control Technician
    Town of Gander
    100 Elizabeth Drive
    Gander, NL
    A1V 1G7

  • News Post

    43 Johnson Crescent

    Notice is hereby given that the Town Council of Gander has received an application from the property owner of the above noted address to construct an accessory building which will exceed the total permitted lot coverage for an accessory building in a residential zone. The request is for a total area of 384 square feet.

    It is noted that this property is zoned Residential Medium Density and has a maximum accessory building size of 8% of the lot area. In this case, 355 square feet. Council can vary their regulations up to 10%.

    Anyone wishing to make representation on this matter must do so in writing and the representation must be received by the Engineering Department, Town of Gander, no later than 12:00 noon, Friday, April 4, 2025. Further information on this matter may be obtained by contacting the Planning/Public Works Department at 651-5915.        

    John Boland
    Planning & Control Technician
    Town of Gander
    100 Elizabeth Drive
    Gander, NL
    A1V 1G7

  • Variance from Regulations - 6 Lacey Place

    6 Lacey Place

    Notice is hereby given that the Town Council of Gander has received an application from the property owner of the above noted address to construct an accessory building which will exceed the total permitted lot coverage for accessory buildings in a residential zone. The request is for a total area of 800 square feet.

    It is noted that this property is zoned Residential Medium Density and has a maximum accessory building size of 734 square feet. Council can vary their regulations up to 10%.

    Anyone wishing to make representation on this matter must do so in writing and the representation must be received by the Engineering Department, Town of Gander, no later than 12:00 noon, Friday April 4, 2025. Further information on this matter may be obtained by contacting the Planning/Public Works Department at 651-5915.        

    John Boland
    Planning & Control Technician
    Town of Gander
    100 Elizabeth Drive
    Gander, NL
    A1V 1G7

  • Open Call for Bid 25-03: Supply & Delivery of Sound Equipment

    This is a notice for an open call for bids from the Town of Gander. The bid is for the supply and delivery of sound equipment. 


    • Open Call Number: OC23-03
    • Closing Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2025, at 2:00 p.m. local time
    • Opening Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2025, at 2:30 p.m. local time

    For further details on the specifications, contact the Procurement Officer at the Town of Gander, 100 Elizabeth Drive, Gander, NL, A1V 1G7, Phone: 709.800.5431.

  • Public Notice: Sale of Land

    In accordance with Section 292 of the Towns and Local Service Districts Act, the Town of Gander hereby notifies the public of its intention to sell the following pieces of land:

    • 0.37-hectare parcel of land located at 71 Dickins Street, Gander, NL.
    • 0.34 acre parcel of land located at 24 Carr Crescent, Gander, NL.
    • 0.30-hectare parcel of land located at 53 Ward Street, Gander, NL.

    Submissions regarding these sales may be made up to and including April 2, 2025. Submissions can be sent via email to or delivered in person to the Town Hall at 100 Elizabeth Drive, Gander, NL.

  • Discretionary Notice - 3 Cochran Street
    Notice is hereby given that Council has received an application from A & A Mobile Coating Solutions to operate a home office for a mobile sandblasting and coating application business from 3 Cochran Street.
    It is noted that home occupation is permitted as a “discretionary use” for the zone in which this property is located.
    Anyone wishing to make representation on this matter must do so in writing prior to 4:00pm on March 31, 2025. Further information on this matter may be obtained by contacting the Economic Development Department at 651-5910.
    Development Officer
    Town of Gander
    100 Elizabeth Drive
    Gander, NL   A1V 1G7
  • Discretionary Notice - 32 Waterton Street

    Notice is hereby given that the Town Council of Gander has received an application to construct
    a 4 unit apartment building at 32 Waterton Street. 

    It is noted that this property is situated within a Residential Medium Density zone. The Town of
    Gander Development Regulations permit Apartment Building uses in this zone as a
    Discretionary Use of Council.

    Anyone wishing to make representation on this matter must do so in writing and the
    representation must be received by the Planning & Public Works Department, Town of Gander,
    no later than 12:00 noon, Monday, March 31, 2025.

    Further information on this matter may be obtained by contacting the Planning & Public Works
    Department at 651-5915.

    John Boland
    Planning & Control Technician
    Town of Gander
    100 Elizabeth Drive
    Gander, NL
    A1V 1G7

  • Variance from Regulations - 146 Penwell Avenue

    Notice is hereby given that the Town Council of Gander has received an application to construct
    a dwelling at 146 Penwell Avenue which will extend to within 7.20 metres of the side
    boundary line.

    It is noted that the property is a corner lot situated in a Residential Medium Density zone and
    requires a minimum sideyard on the flanking street of 8.0 meters. Council may vary their
    regulations to a maximum of 10%.

    Anyone wishing to make representation on this matter must do so in writing and the
    representation must be received by the Engineering Department, Town of Gander, no later
    than 12:00 noon, Monday, March 31, 2025.

    Further information on this matter may be obtained by contacting the Engineering Department
    at 651-5915.

    John Boland
    Planning & Control Technician
    Town of Gander
    100 Elizabeth Drive
    Gander, NL
    A1V 1G7

  • Discretionary Notice - 53 Airport Boulevard

    Notice is hereby given that Council has received an application from Accurate Crystalline Technology Solutions Inc. (ACT’s Inc.) to operate a home office for a natural resource sector consulting service from 53 Airport Boulevard.

    It is noted that home occupation is permitted as a “discretionary use” for the zone in which this property is located.

    Anyone wishing to make representation on this matter must do so in writing prior to 4:00pm on March 20, 2025. Further information on this matter may be obtained by contacting the Economic Development Department at 651-5910.

    Development Officer
    Town of Gander
    100 Elizabeth Drive
    Gander, NL   A1V 1G7

  • Job Opportunity: Special Olympics Game Coordinator

    The Special Olympics are seeking a Games Coordinator for the Summer Games scheduled in Gander from Thursday, July 3, to Sunday, July 6, 2025. This multi-sport competition will welcome over 400 Special Olympics athletes, coaches, and mission staff from across the province.

    More information here

Contact Us

Town of Gander
100 Elizabeth Drive,
Gander, NL A1V 1G7 Canada

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