16 Vatcher Place
Notice is hereby given that the Town Council of Gander has received an application to construct
a garage at the above noted address which will exceed the total permitted height for accessory
buildings in a residential zone. The proposal is an accessory building with a total height of 6.05
It is noted that this property is situated in a Residential Medium Density zone which restricts the maximum accessory building height to 5.50 metres. The Town Council of Gander may vary their regulations to a maximum of 10%.
Anyone wishing to make representation on this matter must do so in writing and the representation must be received by the Engineering Department, Town of Gander, no later than 12:00 noon on Thursday, April 3, 2025.
Further information on this matter may be obtained by contacting the Engineering Department
at 651-5915.
John Boland
Planning & Control Technician
Town of Gander
100 Elizabeth Drive
Gander, NL
A1V 1G7