Firework Safety Tips
Gander Fire Rescue would like to remind you to keep safety in mind while using family fireworks this holiday season.
- Read All Instructions. Read all instructions and safety requirements ahead of time.
- Follow the Laws. Adhere to your local and provincial laws regarding the purchase, possession, and use of consumer fireworks.
- Transport Safely. Always transport fireworks in your trunk or in a non-sparking container with a lid. Do not smoke while loading, transporting, or unloading fireworks.
- Choose a Clear, Open Area. Only use fireworks in an open area away from buildings, vehicles, overhead obstructions such as power lines, and dry brush/grass. A minimum clear area of 30m x 30m is required for the safe use of aerial fireworks such as Roman candles, and 20m x 20m for fountains or other ground-based items.
- Have Water Nearby. Keep a garden hose or a bucket of water nearby.
- Keep Spectators Safe. Keep all spectators at least 20m away.
- Keep Children Away from Fireworks. Never let children handle, play with, or fire fireworks under any circumstances. Even sparklers, which are often considered "safe" fireworks for children, burn at very high temperatures and can ignite clothing.
- Clean Up After the Show. Wait 30 minutes after the display has finished. Check the firing area for duds, clean up all debris, and dispose of it appropriately. Check for debris in a 30m circumference around the firing area. Inspect the area the next morning for any debris that may have been missed.
- Pets. Check with your neighbors if they have pets, and let them know you will be firing fireworks that evening.
Contact Us
Town of Gander
100 Elizabeth Drive,
Gander, NL A1V 1G7 Canada
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