We offer several tax payment options for your convenience:
Ø Pre-authorized Payment Plan:
· The payment date for pre-authorized debit is the last day of each month, starting from January 31st to December 31st of each year
· To enroll in this plan, please complete this form.
· The pre-authorized debit amount will be equal monthly payments of the total tax levy and/or outstanding taxes for the current year.
· A void cheque is required for this payment option.
· All prior year’s taxes must be paid to avail of this plan.
Ø Post-Dated Cheques Payment Plan:
· The payment date for post-dated cheques is the last day of each month, starting from January 31st to December 31st of each year.
· The form for this payment option can be picked up at the Town Hall.
· The post-dated cheque amount will be equal monthly payments of the total tax levy and/or outstanding taxes for the current year.
Ø Additional Payment Information:
· You can make payments at the Town Hall from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Monday to Friday. We accept cash, debit, cheque (please make cheques payable to the Town of Gander)
· Payments can also be made through your bank account online by setting us up as a payee or be E-Transfer. For E-transfer, please use accountsreceivable@gandercanada.com as the email address. For both online payment types, please make sure the payment includes your roll number and/or property address to ensure correct posting.
· You can pay by credit card online using an external service (Plastiq) at the following link: https://www.plastiq.com. To pay by credit card for the first time, you must create a personal Plastiq home page, search for ‘Gander” and select ‘Property Tax’. You will need your tax account number, found on your tax invoice. Please note, a fee will be charged by Plastiq.
· Interest of 12% per annum will be charged on accounts that are overdue.
Ø Important Note:
· Accounts that are not set up on a Payment Plan or paid in full by March 31st will be charged interest of 12 % per annum.